The number of Solar energy
storage inverter Panels and their ratings
The total power usage daily is 9228 Wh. Now you will need to
know on average how many sunlight hours your region has. I've found many
websites that detail this, so that shouldn't be a problem. Let's work on about
7 hours. That means 9228Wh / 7h = 1318.30W. Add about 20% for a buffer and for
any inefficiencies with the panels, and you'll end up with a requirement to
generate 1576W of power per day.
You'll need to get enough panels to have all their outing
ratings add to 1576W. So if you wanted to get 140W panels, you'll get 12 of
them, because 12 x 140W = 1680W or 24 x 70W = 1680W.
How many must power
inverter Batteries?
This depends on the panels that you use. The 140W panels
produce a current of 7.7A. So if you have 12 of them, the total current would
be 92.4 A. The current also also be there for about 7 hours a day (the amount
of sunlight per day). That means there will be 646.8 Ah per day that needs to
be stored.
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