Sunday, December 6, 2015

solar energy system Lanterns

In this region, a reputable alternative power company must have in its stock solar lanterns. This is because they are in high demand due the unavailability of grid power in most areas. Their solar lantern should consist of a solar panel that collects solar energy & stores it in the batteries. The lantern can be used in the evening to light homes.
Solar Mobile Phone Chargers:
Due to the unavailability of utility power, and the very high proliferation of mobile phones, a reputable alternative power company should be able to sell solar powered mobile phone chargers. These chargers are charged using solar panels and besides your mobile phone it can be used to charge your PDA, MP3, IPOD, CD player, gaming device and digital cameras.
Solar Dynamo Radio:
In this region most of the people are poor and can't afford expensive television sets. So most of them rely on radios for information, but still they have a problem of affording non rechargeable batteries for the radios. That leaves solar powered radios as the best alternative. And so a reputable solar power company should be stocking solar powered radios.
solar inverter supplier Powered Torches:

A reliable company in this field should be able to sell solar torches chargeable by a solar panel; their very bright white LED's produce a beam of brilliant white light. In a region with rampant poverty like East Africa, these torches come in very handy because they are designed for extremely long life with zero maintenance and zero or low part replacements during their entire life time.

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