Monetary advantages get even better, since off grid solar inverter panels can allow
you to become energy independent, and if you use less energy than you produce,
your utility company may actually buy it from you. Also, some governments
provide financial incentives geared to further reduce your costs.
Last, but definitely not least, you always have the option
of upgrading your solar panel array, should the need arise in terms of
additional power requirements. If you decide that you need more energy,
therefore, you can add as many new solar panels as you want.
General Drawbacks
One of the most important disadvantages of solar energy system energy is that the
source is somewhat diffuse, and you will likely need a large number of solar
panels in order to produce the required amount of electricity. This is the main
reason for the high cost of the panels, and it makes installation more
difficult as well, since you need a larger amount of open space to fit all the
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