So taking the low end of the mppt solar charge controller scale, a
2-kw system would experience 5 hours per day of sunshine. Therefore, that 2-kw
system could expect to enjoy 10 kw/hr of solar power per day on average across
the period of the whole year.
Consider how you were planning to use the solar power for
homes. Were you wanting to go completely off-grid? That will create greater
demands on your solar power for homes system. Also, be aware of any potential
problems such as tall trees blocking your sunlight to the solar power panels.
If your average low
frequency sine wave generator power consumption were to be 600 kw/hr per
month and you establish that your electricity company has a billing period of
30 days per month, then you can know that your daily energy consumption is 20
kw/hr per day (i.e. 600 kw/hr divided by 30 days per month).
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