Monday, March 28, 2016

Total 4v lead acid battery power draw require

Appliances and Power Usage
The first thing you need to do, is also is most cumbersome. You need to determine how much electricity you will be using and for how long. This is easy, you write down how much Watts (W) an appliance uses, and how many hours per day on average you run it. That 36v charge controller will give you a certain amount of W per day.
Let's look at an example:
5x 60W globes = 300W working 8 hours a day every day = 2400 Wh
1x 300W TV = 300W working 2 hours a day every day = 600 Wh
1x 250W Fridge = 250W working 24 hours a day every day = 6000 Wh
1x 800W Washing Machine = 800W working once a week for 2 hours = 228 Wh
That means we use a total of 9228 Wh a day
Power Inverter Size
To determine the size of the inverter you are going to require you'll need to determine the total Wattage (W) of the appliances.
From the above example it will just be:
Light Globes - 5x 60W = 300W
TV = 300W
Fridge = 250W
Washing Machine = 800W
Total 4v lead acid battery power draw require = 1650W. This means that when all those appliances are on at the same time, it will draw 1650W. You will also add in about a 50% buffer. That way if you ever run your hair dryer at the same time the system will have power in reserve to run it. So a 2500W inverter will be perfect for this and will leave you with ample buffer. Remember this calculation is about appliances that will run at the same time. By planning right (i.e. use either the kettle, hair dryer or iron at a time, but not all at once) you can bring down the amount of power you require, thus bringing down the cost of this solar panel system.

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